Types of article reviews are:
The executive secretary evaluates if an article corresponds to the subject area and scope of the Journal, to the formatting requirements, and if an article is not peer reviewed, forwards it for peer review to experts in the subject matter of an article.
Review can be conducted by an Editorial Board member or by an external reviewer.
A reviewer must consider the submitted article within 2 weeks from the date a reviewer received the manuscript and forward to the Editorial Office (by e-mail, post) a review or provide a reasoning for refusal to conduct a review.
A review must highlight the following aspects:
An article can be published after revision and after all requested changes have been made (considering all comments and suggestions given by peers) or a manuscript is rejected, and the Editorial Board provide authors with a reasoned statement of rejection.
An article, re-submitted by authors to the Editorial Office after revising, is re-considered in accordance following standard formal procedure. A date of the submission of revised version of an article is entered in the Article Register.
If an article is rejected Editorial Board sends a rejection letter to the authors stating the detailed comments regarding causes and reasons for the decline.
An article which is not recommended for publication by a reviewer is not accepted for re-consideration. A text of a negative review is sent to the author by e-mail, fax or post.
A positive review of a manuscript is not a sufficient reason for publication. The role of reviewers is advisory. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on publication.
Once the decision has been made to publish an article the Executive Secretary informs the author and specifies the publication dates and deadlines.
Original copies of reviews are kept in the Editorial Office of the Journal “Gynecologic Oncology”.